The Suffolk continues its classic and family film series on Sunday, July 21 with two beloved films. The 1962 epic historical drama, Lawrence of Arabia, will be screened at 1 p.m. This film chronicles the life of T.E. Lawrence, a British Army officer who played a crucial role in the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during World War I. The film is renowned for its stunning cinematography, score, and performances. Later in the day, at 5 p.m., the animated film Toy Story will be shown. This 1995 Pixar production tells the story of a group of toys that come to life when humans aren’t around. The film was a critical and commercial success, launching a beloved franchise. Tickets for each film are $15, plus applicable fees, and can be purchased online at The film series will continue through December, with a different pair of classic and family films shown each month.