Join the Riverhead High School Class of 1969 at their 55th reunion. The two-day event begins on Friday, Sept. 13, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Cherry Creek Golf Course. Attendees can enjoy finger foods and the option to golf before the main event. Golf rentals and play costs apply.
The main reunion takes place on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Polish Hall. The evening includes a buffet dinner and live music by The Libations Trio. Please note, the bar operates on a cash-only basis.
Registration is required with costs varying based on the date of registration. Registrations postmarked by Aug. 15 cost $60 per person, while those postmarked by Sept. 1 cost $69 per person. No registrations will be accepted after Sept. 1.
For those still in town on Sunday, Sept. 15, there will be a casual gathering at a local winery, details to be determined.